What an amazing surprise!!! To finally meet my sweet soul
sister Alexa, aka Your Beautiful Life and her beautiful family here in NYC 👭🌟! She beams love.... Our connection was no
doubt divinely inspired by my Mary. This
day is one of the most cherished Christmas gifts of all!
This is a blog dedicated to my dear sister Mary who had so much to live for and so much to give ~ she gave all she had and it is all treasured now... until we see again.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
Magical Mary Moments
I took the back roads to the train this morning and as I passed "Mary Street".... I immediately smiled as I thought of my sister Mary and wondered if she was with me this morning. As quickly as that thought disappeared, I was startled by a flash of ️RED flying the closest to my windshield as it could.
I just love these magical moments ~ what a beautiful confirmation that there is really so much more going on than we can see. This may scare some people, but not me, it makes me happy! Life if so full of miracles, we just have to open our eyes to see and BELIEVE! ✨💛👼Friday, October 2, 2015
Cardinals from Above for Leah
My best friend of 31 years lost her father in law in
March this year and just lost her mother in law a week ago today.... She said
that a male cardinal showed up the week her mother in law was in hospice and as
soon as she passed, a female joined the male and have been chirping away in her
back yard since.... Even following her as she jogged....
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Little Red Bird Love
Little Red Bird is still chirping away with daily posts of positive feel good affirmations and quotes, offering love hope and inspiration to anyone who visits the face book page "Little Red Bird Chirps".
Ever so often a LRB friend will share some words of gratitude or a story to compare. It's a wonderful gift when I receive these notes of love shared from their heart. With each heartfelt share, it validates why I am here, the warmth I feel in my heart confirms that this is my purpose.
Ever so often a LRB friend will share some words of gratitude or a story to compare. It's a wonderful gift when I receive these notes of love shared from their heart. With each heartfelt share, it validates why I am here, the warmth I feel in my heart confirms that this is my purpose.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Emma Marie brings Magic
July 22, 2015
Emma Marie was born.... my newest lil niece and first child for my brother David and his beautiful wife Amanda.
Emma was our sister Mary's middle name and Marie is mine... what a gift lil Emma Marie is!
Our Mary was always the one who was so excited for babies. I have felt her excitement from the very start...... There are many times I believe she has guided me to special gifts to buy for our loved ones at special times and I just know that these are gifts from her not me.
The gift for Emma Marie she guided me to was a LRB fan named Mary, who ended up making this custom order quilt for me. So many synchronicities with this gift. The LRB fan, Mary is from a town in Louisiana close to where our sister in laws family is from. Mary has grandchildren in the same town where my brother and sister in live. She posted a comment on LRB one day that she liked a picture and would love to use it in a quilt..... I told her I was thinking of having a quilt made for my special lil niece and that's how it all began.
Emma Marie was born.... my newest lil niece and first child for my brother David and his beautiful wife Amanda.
Emma was our sister Mary's middle name and Marie is mine... what a gift lil Emma Marie is!
Our Mary was always the one who was so excited for babies. I have felt her excitement from the very start...... There are many times I believe she has guided me to special gifts to buy for our loved ones at special times and I just know that these are gifts from her not me.
The gift for Emma Marie she guided me to was a LRB fan named Mary, who ended up making this custom order quilt for me. So many synchronicities with this gift. The LRB fan, Mary is from a town in Louisiana close to where our sister in laws family is from. Mary has grandchildren in the same town where my brother and sister in live. She posted a comment on LRB one day that she liked a picture and would love to use it in a quilt..... I told her I was thinking of having a quilt made for my special lil niece and that's how it all began.
Magical Mary Quilt
The morning Emma was born I was at my kitchen table looking out into my backyard and noticed the most beautiful Monarch butterfly. I remember seeing a caterpillar in our yard on a few weeks before.
An hour later, i got the news that Emma too had arrived! I connected the two and it made me smile.
I made plans to fly to Texas as soon as I could.
The magic continues.....
The night before I'm about to fly out, a dozen ladybugs filled my front patio. What a beautiful sight that was......
On the way to the airport a Cardinal truck is driving alongside of me.......
As my plane lands in Houston and is rolling up to the gate, I look out the window and the first thing I see is a dragonfly hovering around outside of my window. I was speechless - I couldn't believe my eyes. Were they deceiving me? This was the best picture I could get from my seat.
THEN..... that evening, the most unbelievable surprise of all. As we were relaxing around the pool that evening, the largest most beautiful dragonfly lands on me and stays until I make it leave. It was magical - so sweet - my brother even got a 5 minute long video of us playing with it.
That same day that I arrived, the beautiful quilt arrived too. It was supposed to have gotten there days before, but fate would have it to arrive so I could answer the door.
I have had a lot of magic happen since my Mary passed away but this is the most amazing sequence of events - showing us how excited Mary is and how she is still very much a part of our lives!
Loving Mary Forever, Amen!
Emma Marie,
LRB friend,
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Cardinals Appear When Angels are Near
The Cardinal:
A magnificent bird with a life span of up to 15 years. Said to symbolize hope, joy, health, rejuvenation and celebration. Especially to the ones who look beyond in search of their meaning.
For those who choose to hold the Cardinal dear – you are a special type of person – rare, energetic, and always willing to care for those in need.
click on this link to read a beautiful cardinal story on Our Wander Life site.
A magnificent bird with a life span of up to 15 years. Said to symbolize hope, joy, health, rejuvenation and celebration. Especially to the ones who look beyond in search of their meaning.
For those who choose to hold the Cardinal dear – you are a special type of person – rare, energetic, and always willing to care for those in need.
click on this link to read a beautiful cardinal story on Our Wander Life site.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Celebrating Mary
July 31st - Mary's B-day :)
Headed to work on this special morning,
this pretty lil feather was in my path.
i felt it was a little sign from above. Love you Mary!
Special Synchronicity:
Received this random gift from a special friend today....
She didn't know I've always wanted a locket &
didn't remember it was Mary's B-day today,
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Monday, July 6, 2015
Cardinal Comforts Courtney
July 3rd:Last week the Friday before I had my surgery, I was nervous as all hell - when I left the house that morning a cardinal landed In front of my car and I took it as a sign of peace from loved ones that have passed and I told myself to relax - 2 hrs later I'm thinking horrible thoughts of my surgery and no joke a big white 18 wheeler truck pulls up next to me and it says Cardinal shipping and has a big red Cardinal on it... 5:30 that night I get to my hair cut appointment and on the counter are red and white mints and yes they had a pic of a red Cardinal and says Cardinal mints .., the weekend went by & I prayed the night before and the morning of my surgery and as always I asked for a sign....I had my surgery - I lived - lol and when my doctor came to see me he said I took a picture of your tumor would you like to see it - of course I said yes - it was a gross thing on a surgical sheet under a ruler measuring the size and at first I didn't notice but after I looked the name of the ruler was Cardinal health!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
House Synchronicity
Amazing Synch:
I just went to get my blood work done at Quest Diagnostic by me. The nurse taking my information asked for my zip code and then said she didn't normally work at this location.
She then said my address sounded familiar... She lived on my street until she was 12 but didn't remember the address. She asked what my house looked like. When I described my house as a ranch, she immediately, "Yes that was my house, my step dad was a vet from the navy and they had made the house wheelchair accessible... they put an electric ramp to go into the basement for him back in 1971". I said "Yes, it was still there when we moved in last fall but had it removed since it was so old and we couldn't have it repaired".
I went on to learn that my lavender room was her bedroom but back then, it had pink walls, red carpet and a canopy bed! Sounds lovely. IMy husbands office off the garage was her step dads den. I should have asked her if he smoked because we randomly smell smoke in that room. She said her step dad died young, he died from a brain tumor at 26. Wow..... ✨💛.
So nice to meet you today Gwen R.
I just went to get my blood work done at Quest Diagnostic by me. The nurse taking my information asked for my zip code and then said she didn't normally work at this location.
She then said my address sounded familiar... She lived on my street until she was 12 but didn't remember the address. She asked what my house looked like. When I described my house as a ranch, she immediately, "Yes that was my house, my step dad was a vet from the navy and they had made the house wheelchair accessible... they put an electric ramp to go into the basement for him back in 1971". I said "Yes, it was still there when we moved in last fall but had it removed since it was so old and we couldn't have it repaired".
I went on to learn that my lavender room was her bedroom but back then, it had pink walls, red carpet and a canopy bed! Sounds lovely. IMy husbands office off the garage was her step dads den. I should have asked her if he smoked because we randomly smell smoke in that room. She said her step dad died young, he died from a brain tumor at 26. Wow..... ✨💛.
So nice to meet you today Gwen R.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Signs to comfort
Friday, April 17, 2015
Girlfriends in God: Cardinal story
AMAZING SYNCH - my friend Sharon thought of me when she read this beautiful cardinal story from www.crosswalk.com, Girlfriends in God email she received. The synch is that the author's name is Mary and is from Texas. This happens so often.... so many Mary's and Texas connections. Synchronicities meant just for me.
From: Sharon Johnson
Date: April 17, 2015
Suject: Girlfriends in God - Friday, April 17, 2015
Date: April 17, 2015
Suject: Girlfriends in God - Friday, April 17, 2015
Hi Jen,
talked to you in awhile so using this opportunity to say hello. You may
already be a subscriber to girlfriend in God but just in case not, thought I'd
share this devotional as it made me think of you.
that all is well!
S. Johnson
who through God's
Amazing Grace
is now the
published author of Verses of Victory
and the
award-winning inspirational story
God Must Have
Wanted Me to Smile

April 17, 2015
Here’s Your Sign
Mary Southerland
Today’s Truth
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up(1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Friend to Friend
The red bird gently landed on the tree branch in front of the kitchen window.
Carla gasped when the bird first appeared. But then a smile slowly spread across her face as she closed her eyes and whispered a reverent prayer, “Thank you, Lord.”
It was definitely a holy moment. I didn’t really know why. I just felt it.
“What was that all about?” I finally asked.
My sweet friend sighed, still staring at the red bird.
“Mary, it has been a really hard week. This morning, I couldn’t take it any more. I lost it, and just ranted and raved, pouring out all of my anger and frustration to God!” Tears began to down her cheeks. I hugged her … and then the sobs began. When she had cried enough, Carla said, “God sent me this red bird as a reminder that everything is going to be okay. Kind of like a rainbow at the end of a storm.”
I still didn’t get it.
“The red bird,” she said. And pointed to the beautiful creature still perched on the branch. The bird was now looking at us. It was almost weird. No. It was officially weird. Since when do birds just sit on branches and stare at people?
“Red birds are my sign,” Carla explained. “Every time I am discouraged or having a really hard time, I will inevitably see a red bird and remember the promises of God. The red bird reminds me that He is faithful and that He will come through for me. I really can’t remember how it all started. I just know God gave me red birds as a sign of encouragement from God.”
Interesting. I had come to see Carla, looking for encouragement and comfort … for me! Carla wasn’t the only one who had muddled through a hard week.
Dan and I were living in Nacogdoches, Texas in a roach-infested apartment while he finished college. I worked for the welfare department and absolutely hated my job. I won’t go into all of the reasons why I hated my job, but let’s just say I did not relish trying to prove that most of my cases were fraudulent. I was supposed to be teaching sweet innocent little second grade children, but there were no openings in the local school district. And it was just for one year. How bad could it be? I quickly found out it could be really bad. Rumor was that one of the clients whose claim I had denied was in town looking for me … and she had a gun. Not. Kidding.
Thanksgiving was only a week away. All of our friends were going home to visit their families. Dan and I did not have the money to go home, and I only had one day off anyway.
My mother was battling cancer.
I had a cyst on an ovary … and the doctor was not sure what we were facing.
I had a whole list of questions and fears and doubts … and I really didn’t know what to do with any of them. I was scared, tired, and homesick.
I was having what I thought was a well deserved pity party when Carla whirled around, her face awash with tears and her eyes dancing with joy. She grabbed me in a fierce hug and said, “You know what? You and Dan are spending Thanksgiving with us! And I am giving you my red bird! Yep! God just told me that from now on, when you see a red bird, it is Him telling you that everything is going to be okay.”
Okay. No one had ever given me a red bird before. But it seemed to work for Carla, so I hugged her back and thanked her for sharing.
Now I know that grounded believers are supposed to walk by faith and not need signs from God. When trouble rocks their world, they simply stand firm in their faith.
But I am being honest here. There are times when I need a reminder that God really is who He says He is and that He will do what He said He would do in His Word – and that He would do those things … for me. I need encouragement.
And God is faithful to send that encouragement through His Word … through times of gut-wrenching prayer … through faithful friends … through my husband … through women to whom I minister and through women with whom I minister… and yes, even through red birds.
He understands my pain. He is with me and He is for me. It doesn’t really matter how He does it. God will always find a way to get to me … to show me just how much He loves me. And He will do the same for you.
Let’s Pray
Father, thank You for the gift of encouragement You constantly give me. When I am tired, You give me the strength to go on. When I am discouraged, You give me hope. When I am afraid, You are my peace. I praise You for your love and faithfulness to me, Lord.
In Jesus’ name,
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Mary Tribute 2015
What a beautiful day today!!!
I'm headed out to buy my Mary balloons and I hear a familiar chirp chirp chirp up above...... There's a bright red cardinal staring straight at me from the tree !
It was this day.... 7 years ago Mary left the earth and the cardinal flew to my side! ❤
celebrating Mary,
signs from above
Friday, March 20, 2015
Cherishing Mary
I posted this on FB & Instagram:
This Sunday 3/22: in honor of Mary, my beautiful sisters life, I will release 3 balloons. Thanking her for being who she was to me, a true blessing of joy and unconditional love.
I also thank her for her magical signs - she has given me the FAITH ✨ HOPE ✨ and INSPIRATION in my life now that allows me to be free to live with LOVE in my heart and to share it with the world. I understand and know what really matters in life now. Thank you Mary for being the Angel you were on earth and the Angel you are now up above and all around ✨ I cherish you with all my heart!'
Monday, March 9, 2015
A Pendant of Hope from Mary
Isn't is a fun little wonder when something crosses your path and you immediately felt it was meant to be. I call this a synchronicity.
Through social media (Instagram), I came across this lil jewelry maker from Austin, Texas just a couple weeks before the anniversary of my Mary's passing... the name of the company was "Bee Mary" Jewelry and the item that caught my eye was a pretty pendant with the word HOPE on it.
I felt a strong attraction to this lil pendant of hope. I reached out & before I knew it I bought it. I first thought it was for me but almost immediately, i felt a soft nudge that said "No, this is for Kelsey!" - Mary's daughter. She was having some tough times in her first year in college at this moment and needed a lil hope. Coincidentally, this one of kind pendant happened to be Kelsey's two favorite colors: purple and pink. It was meant to be.
I reached out to the owner of and asked her the meaning behind "Bee Mary"... the owner confirmed what I knew in my heart.....

Through social media (Instagram), I came across this lil jewelry maker from Austin, Texas just a couple weeks before the anniversary of my Mary's passing... the name of the company was "Bee Mary" Jewelry and the item that caught my eye was a pretty pendant with the word HOPE on it.
I felt a strong attraction to this lil pendant of hope. I reached out & before I knew it I bought it. I first thought it was for me but almost immediately, i felt a soft nudge that said "No, this is for Kelsey!" - Mary's daughter. She was having some tough times in her first year in college at this moment and needed a lil hope. Coincidentally, this one of kind pendant happened to be Kelsey's two favorite colors: purple and pink. It was meant to be.
I reached out to the owner of and asked her the meaning behind "Bee Mary"... the owner confirmed what I knew in my heart.....

I truly believe Mary guided me to this gift and had me buy it for her daughter.
A Gift from Above.
Bee Mary,
gifts from above,
Hope pendant,
Mary gift,
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Emma Marie Synchronicity
GREAT NEWS ~ Our brother and his wife are having their first baby - due date is July 20th (only 11 days from Mary's Bday- hehe). They decided to have a.....
Baby Reveal: the new trend where the couple has a party to reveal the sex of the baby. LOVE IT! The couple doesn't know, only the host of the party does and they blow up balloons and hide them in a trunk or box and the couple opens it at the party - everyone finds out together.
I wasn't able to make the trip to Texas for this, but thanks to Skype, its like I was there.
Emma is Mary's middle name and Marie is mine. I had said quietly to a few friends and my husband that if I was to ever have a little girl, that I would name her Emma Marie. My brother or his wife did not know this, so when he announced to me that he was naming his little girl after his two big sisters my heart skipped a beat and brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful surprise. How did he know?
Did Mary whisper in his ear?
Baby Reveal: the new trend where the couple has a party to reveal the sex of the baby. LOVE IT! The couple doesn't know, only the host of the party does and they blow up balloons and hide them in a trunk or box and the couple opens it at the party - everyone finds out together.
We found out it is girl which we're so excited for but the amazing surprise to me was the name they have chosen for her:
Emma is Mary's middle name and Marie is mine. I had said quietly to a few friends and my husband that if I was to ever have a little girl, that I would name her Emma Marie. My brother or his wife did not know this, so when he announced to me that he was naming his little girl after his two big sisters my heart skipped a beat and brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful surprise. How did he know?
Did Mary whisper in his ear?
Baby Reveal,
Emma Marie,
mary sign,
Friday, February 27, 2015
Morning Dove wish
Since I've moved into my new home last fall, I've been
blessed with a beautiful assortment of birds visiting my yard. Blue Jays,
cardinals, black eyed juncos, chickadees and finches. I love them all. But.... there are two very
special birds to me in addition to my cardinals, that had taken residency in my
yard at my old home after my sister passed away: the Robin and the Mourning Dove.
It's the simple things that make me happy. Like the appearance of a special kind of bird that I've been wishing for since I moved to my new house.
A Mourning dove has finally found its way to me..... 🐦.
I saw her just sitting beneath the bird feeder this morning in the hole in the snow the other birds have made. HAPPY FRIDAY my friends.... Believe in the magic ~ wishes do come true. Just stay aware and Believe 💛
I had come to enjoy their presence in both
sight and sound at my old home. I haven't seen either
in my new home.
In the last couple months, I've said out loud to my
husband as I look out my window at the bird feeders I have placed
in my yard, "I miss my mourning
doves. I wish they would come to
me." Then I would wonder if they
would find me......
This morning
as I raised the blinds, I noticed a little bird under the bird feeder that was
just sitting there. I couldn't tell what it was right away because the birds
have made a hole in the snow just beneath the bird feeder and it's gotten
pretty deep. I looked closer and got my
binoculars..... IT WAS A MOURNING DOVE!!!!
A Mourning dove has finally found its way to me..... 🐦.
I saw her just sitting beneath the bird feeder this morning in the hole in the snow the other birds have made. HAPPY FRIDAY my friends.... Believe in the magic ~ wishes do come true. Just stay aware and Believe 💛
I am so happy to be so blessed... I am heard and
my wishes do come true
Mourning dove,
signs from above,
wishes come true
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Funny Feathertime
Just had to share this fun little text and picture I received from Kelsey ~ right after I had text her.
Angel winks for Kelsey too.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Kelsey's Sign
Feeling a bit overwhelmed with balancing her college work & a new part time job she loved, she decided to go for run down by the water and say some prayers. Just as she opened her eyes, she caught this little white feather floating by her side. She instantly felt joy and comfort and somehow knew everything was going to be okay.
What a gift! 💫!
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Feathers Feathers Feathers
How special it is when a feather appears just when we need it the most.... at that moment, in your path, out of nowhere, a random perfectly intact feather lands in your path. Signs of love from above... that is a fact!
Friday, February 6, 2015
Twinkle My Mary Star
Twinkle twinkle your my star 🌟! I always knew that you'd go far. Within your heart there's a radiant light and through your actions shine so bright! To your talents there is no end.... A broken heart your love will mend. ❤️
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Morning RED says HI
When I got out of the car I heard my familiar "Chirp Chirp Chirp"... I look across the street into a neighbors yard and there's a big red cardinal siting in the leafless tree close to the road staring at me.
I felt a warmth of love - - beautiful start to this cold winters day!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Cardinal Story from a LRB friend
Cardinals comfort ~ there is no doubt. Their timing is always just right. Because of this, we are led to believe that its not just a coincidence, it was meant to be.
Signs of love from above telling us we are not alone and its not as bad as we perceive it to be. It will work out - keep the faith and BELIEVE!
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