Monday, September 9, 2013

Visit from Dad - No Doubt

20 years ago today 9-9-13, my dad was called to heaven.  I always remember this day and honor my dad with thoughts of love, admiration and pride.  I was so lucky to have had him for the 24 years of my life.

I don't go around with my head down and sad with grief,  I smile a smile pure from my heart because I have memories to cherish, a life to celebrate and a knowing that he's not really gone.

There are signs everywhere, all the time, always reminding me.......

TODAY  I received an extra special sign, but it was more than just seeing it - I FELT it!  I felt my father's presence.  It's hard to explain unless you've experienced it, it kind of takes your breath away for a moment and you feel extra extra special and nothing else matters in those moments.  You feel like you've been given a kiss from an angel, a gift of love from above.  It's magical, a kind of divine feeling.  A rush of pure love.

The first sign I captured today before noon walking in NYC on 15th Street heading towards Union Square - a large beautiful white feather right in my path:

That would have been enough for me today, but that wasn't going to be it......

Another sign happened on my train ride home as I'm relaxing in relief that the craziness of today was over a random song started playing on Pandora that made me look at my iPhone to see what it was - it was then that my eyes burst open with amazement and my eyes began to well up with tears.... A song called "You and Me" from the album Family Tree  was playing - with pictures of both a red bird and a blue bird in a tree.....
It was a sign - my dad was with me.  Then all of a sudden the song ended with the words..."I'm so proud of You!"  
These are words my dad would say to me often, even in a random visit back in March 2007. (see blogpost:  Signs from Above)

As if that was enough excitement for one day.... the very next song blew me away:

The song "Free Little Bird" from the album "Catch the Moon" started to play.    This free little bird song reminded me of my Mary who is free now - free from the pain.  The little girl on the cover reminded me of Mary and the moon is something I am in constant wonder over.  I believe this song was a sign that Mary was showing me - she is with our dad - with him watching over me.

As I'm typing this blog, my heart is swelling up with tears - tears of joy - to receive these signs is the most beautiful gift in the world.  To know that two of the most important people in my life are not really gone at all - on the contrary, they are with me, all the way to my soul.

It'a a beautiful world we live in when we open our heart and believe. I open my eyes and truly see..... have a little faith and live life as its supposed to be - HAPPY! 


A said...

Your posts are always so beautiful and this one made my heart swell up too...

Jeni said...

Hi Agnes - you always make my day when I see an email with "A" responded! Thank you for your kind words. I enjoy your blog posts just as much - love to you my friend!!! XXOO