Sunday, March 17, 2013

"Teens Against Cyber Bullying"

We meet people at the time we are supposed to.  Sometimes those times are just so amazining in synch with exactly what is happening or about to happen that it blows our minds!  This has been happening to me so often that I'm almost always living in constant bliss :)!
This is call synchronicity!  Story of my life since Mary passed.


I bring this up now because of the timing that I met Karleigh Jade Strickland - a sweet 13 year old with a purpose - she is a lil lightworker - also known as an Angel.

Karleigh is also an author in the book, "Faces Behind the Pages that Inspire".  I've been reading about each author and as I do, I reach out to connect to them and if there is something that I connect with - I let them know.  Well, Karleigh is the founder of the FB page, "Teens-Against Cyber-Bullying".
I won't go into the details of her story here - except that she has lived through some tough times at such a young age and she has survived and is fighting back now.  Educating the world with her experience stregnth and hope.  You can learn more about her and the cause that she is connected to on her website as well:

She has overcome bullying, bulimia, suicidal tendancies and self hurt with cutting!  All this before 11 years old.

I reached out to let her know how proud i was of her and that her story pulled my heart strings.  She and I have formed a sisterly bond. 

Here is the crazy synchronicity:

In a textversation we were having, she randomly out of the blue mentioned her connection to the number 23.  She even started her TACB FB page on July 23rd - which is VERY special to Kelsey.

My neice Kelsey has a connection to it too.  I did a blog post about it. click on this link to see: Kelsey Signs!

This was all very much meant to be.  I shared this with Kelsey which opened up a beautiful conversation that was much needed.  Thank you Karleigh Jade for being who you are and coming into our lives as you did! xxoo

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