Saturday, June 30, 2012

Whisper from Mary

I've been so fortunate and blessed to have bonded with some of Mary's truest friends.  Jana is one of them.  Jana sent me this sweet butterfly wall plaque and a friend card. Thank you so much Jana!!   I love the message she posted on the envelope the most:
"My Sweet Jeni" ~ Mary Whispered those words in my ear this morning :~)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cardinal Cheer

How wonderful it is that our little cardinal is everywhere.  Friends from everywhere who know about my cardinal are experiencing and sharing their cardinals stories too.  With every one of them there is confirmation of so much more.  They ARE messengers - they are signs.  We are not alone and we ARE loved.  I find that the more we are open and the more we BELIEVE,  we see!  Here are the stories as they were shared with me this week:

From Natalie:
I was cooking lunch for my son and was getting sad that in a couple of years he would be doing this for himself. My eye had filled with a tear and I looked outside and what did I see but a red bird smiling back at me on my deck. How quickly that little bird brought a smile to my face. I just wanted tto share. Hope you have a wonderful day!

From Elizabeth:
Thought of you a lot this weekend - just wanted to tell you that :) Just when I needed a little pat on the shoulder, my little red friend popped into the backyard and sat on a low branch looking right at me. So beautiful and so reassuring! Thank you for bringing my attention to this magical opportunity to see light and love. I hope you are well, sweet friend!

Life is a Gift ~ the sooner we know this the sooner we live free.  Free to be happy, free to enjoy all the wonderments,  of what used to be unknown is now ours to see!  ~Jeni

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Brett Birthday

My sweet nephew Brett - hard to believe he is 14 now ~ growing up so fast. He looks so much like Mary it takes my breath away sometimes.
He will never be too old to melt my heart with sweet, fun/funny thoughts.  Here is a fun texversation between Brett & me:

LOL how has the little red bird thing going on and your blog :} ?

Awesome!!!  Like 14000 fans - crazy cool huh?  I blogged some cool happenings yesterday - lotsa signs ya know? ;)


Hehe - well, me & ur mom!  It's all through her - because of her.  Everyone knows that!  Cool huh?

Thats awsome I want ur auto graph oh wait I  have ur cards

Lol - ur so funny!  What cards? 

Well any cards really i keep alot of them
 Hehehehehe ~ I had to post this picture Kelsey took on his Birthday.... They went shopping at target and  it looks like they could have left him there to work - he's already got the target uniform on...LOL!  Do I see a future for Brett at Target?  hahahaha
Brett loved his new headphones we sent him for his Bday!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Fathers Day Gift

Hey aunt jeni:) I miss u and can wait to see u and I just want to say that! thank you so much for being there for me and always happy to listen to me and for being there and taking care me even when u live a lot miles away - haha- i just wanted to say that I wouldn't be the way I am if it wasn't for you and I know I'm only 16 but u have helped me through alot:) anyway u wanna hear something cool? I know I never met my grandpa combs but I woke up thinking about him which is weird because its fathers day and I never do think about him much because I never met him - I thought it was pretty awesome myself :D woo woo Kelsey 

Words can't describe how I felt when I received the text message above from my precious niece Kelsey last night - Fathers Day 2012.  My heart melted and a sense of purpose filled that hole in my heart that formed the day I lost my sister ~ Kelsey's mom. I prayed that I could be a positive influence in her children's life so many miles away.  These beautiful words confirm that my prayers have been answered.  As my SSS, Jen Dio said when I shared this message with her, "Wow. What a beautiful and amazing soul she is. She so strong and a true testament of Mary's goodness..... I know that this was all part of life's big plan.  I know it's not always easy but things like this shake us back into what we know to be true in our hearts. There's a bigger plan for us all.  And although it's not always apparent at first, it slowly starts to form as life goes on.  I'm certain that you were meant to be their Earth Angel and they both know it. They love you so much."  As I do them - As I do them I say!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Amazing Morning of Signs

The morning started out early.  I posted this picture above about believing in Angels and then the magic of the day began.....  

I stepped outside for a moment and  had cardinals surrounding me,  singing a beautiful good morning tune  - one flew past my head back & forth at least a dozen times.  I felt like it was  playing with me!  I knew it was going to be a beautiful day!!  I could hear the baby birds up in the tree - it was such a sweet melody.

I left the house to make my morning appointment down in the village.  It was a relaxing appointment and went well.  On my way home I saw the following license plates in a 3 block radius:

333, 000, 111, 555, 888, 666, 999, 555, "4 the brds", 999, "Bird doc"

Then I looked at the clock & it was 11:11!   

I was visited by angels... I just know it ~ I FELT it!

I couldn't wait to get home to write about these divine events.  I opened up facebook and my time line went crazy..... I landed on the year 2008  and stopped on pictures I had posted of my Mary.  AMAZING!!!! Mary is confirming she is with me.  How lucky am I?

Mary and Sue

I have a dear friend "Sweet Silly Sue" - my other SSS! Sue has been practicing Reiki and is discovering a gift in it. My Mary has visited her a few times and makes Sue laugh.   How fun to see my sister visiting my friends.   Although, I have a feeling Mary was friends with some of them first.  I believe she has been connecting me to a few.   Sue being one of them.

Sue just sent me this picture and these words that describe her most recent vision from our Mary:

Remember when Mary "popped" in and shared an image of a little girl laying down in the tall green grass, one hand under her chin, the other hand touching the blades ~ this picture reminds me so much of the "mood" she was trying to fact, it is a complete replica.....just had to share with you xoxox Sue

I'll Be Waiting.....

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Feathers of Love

My LRB friend Jan T. shared a comment on this feather post. I too got goose bumps. What a beautiful sign - her friends heart was open and this sign appeared.

I love it when synchronicities happen like this:  

Have to tell you LRB...after my friend read my post in this Chirp...she had the most amazing thing happen..she had just had an argument with her daughter and decided to let it go...was trivial and peace is better ...and from nowhere a small feather fell onto her desk - inside no window open no birds goose bumpy is this...she heard about this thu your chirps at the precise moment..♥ to you LRB xx

Monday, June 11, 2012


"Grief awakens the realities of life. How precious and short it is. With faith and hope, grief is followed by awareness - that life does not end and we will all be together again."
~ Jeni

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Signs sent from Above

I received this beautiful story shared to me from a Little Red Bird friend and had to share it here.  There are so many signs that our loved ones aren't really gone.  I BELIEVE ~ with all my heart and love that I'm not alone......

Marsi Meli:
I overheard a coworker talk about her vacation, 10 days touring Italy with her sister. How wonderful. Her last words, "I was glad to come home, my sister was getting on my nerves." And I thought of how I would love just 1 more moment with my sister, she could get on my nerves, I would love it. At lunch I went to the lobby of the business park offices where I work and a woman was selling jewelry. I looked down at a box of charms and there was a pony. My sister loved ponies, she would joke, "I am getting a pony and I am calling him Tony." Now that she is gone ponies show up in my life, especially when I need a little boost. You have your little red bird, I have ponies!

This is beautiful!!!! I hope you don't mind if I share this on my blog. I love the "sign" of love from above!!!

Marsi Meli:
Please do share! I remember reading a quote that said something along the lines of our loved ones who have passed over send us signs all the time we just need to be open to them. And when you are, WOW, they are everywhere. When I was going to my niece's bridal shower (my sister Sandy's daughter Kate) I drove by horses grazing, in the middle of the horses was a pony, and the pony was the only one who looked up and watched my car drive by, I waved and said, "Hello Sandy!"

Sunday, June 3, 2012


A beautiful affirmation to reflect on ~ felt it belonged here on my Mary blog!

Die While your Alive

Take a few moments to reflect on the people you were close to and loved who have crossed over. Being aware of your infinite nature, and staying in infinity's active side, allows you to feel the presence of these souls, who can't die and do not die. In John O'Donohue's book of Celtic wisdom called Anam Cara, he offers these words which I not only concur, but I know to be true from my own personal experience:
"I believe that our friends among the dead really mind us and look out for us... we might be able to link up in a very creative way with our friends in the invisible world. We do not need to grieve for the dead. Why should we grieve for them? They are now in a place where there is no more shadow, darkness, loneliness, isolation or pain. They are home. They are with God from whom they came."

You can not only communicate with and feel the presence of those who've crossed over,  you yourself can die while you're alive and rid yourself now of these shadows and darkness, by living in the active side of infinity.

 ~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer in "The Power of Intention"

P.S.  This book was given to us when Dr. Wayne Dyer spotted my husband at an "I CAN DO IT" conference in NYC and gave it to him. That was a magical day......

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cardinals of Comfort and Love

I am so happy to share another wonderful cardinal story from my dear Little Red Bird (LRB) friend Diane S.  Our cardinals are here to comfort, love and remind us that everything is going to be okay!

May 21, 2012:

Hey there Jeni, my goodness, where do I begin.. we had a fire in our home about a month ago,everyone got out safe. I went back over the past few weeks to meet with ins people and go thorough what we had and sure enough in that shell of a house my LRB came to the window, I had been gone a week or two. My children and I have been living in a hotel and just a few days ago finally got settled in a home around the block from our home, right overlooking the beach and wouldn't ya know it on my first day here on the mailbox was a beautiful red cardinal, then on the deck, everywhere I go I hear them and see them, I really am thinking I live in a cardinal haven. I know how much they mean to you ( and to me)and I love the posts you make and they give me comfort and make me smile, so from one LRB friend to another, I want ya to know I get it, and say thank you.Just incredible, I will try to get pics of them to you.All my best ~Di