Friday, April 13, 2012

A Little Red Bird Cheer

I seemed to have had a cloud hovering over me all day yesterday. I just couldn't seem to shake it. No reason ~ nothing particular happend. It was just a gray kind of day. I was in a funk. I made it through the day without dwelling on the "why's" or trying to find a reason. I just accepted that it was "one of those days!".

Once I got home from work, I went out onto my little back patio to grill up some dinner. I was greeted immediately by both the female and the male cardinal. They both flew to the tree directly in front of my patio. The female was hopping from one branch to another, chirpping away, nevering letting me out of her sight. The bright red male had so much energy he kept flying from the tree to the fence and back. The female wasn't going anywhere. At one point she got on the ground and started hopping towards the patio. A wave of love, light and happiness came over me. I thought today was going to be the day I get to touch my little bird. I even put my open hand out welcoming her. I felt like she wanted to be near me.

A neighbor friend was walking by and stopped to talk to me. My friend stood there amazed that my little bird wouldn't leave the tree....

It was so soothing & so knowing! It knew this was a gift for me! She was there just for me :)! Needless to say, my funk was completely gone! Woohoo ~ what a day!

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