I believe every single person we meet and every single event happens for a reason. What we do with the friendships, interactions and events is up to us. Recognizing our angels and thanking them for their guidance and help will increase our gifts. I believe this based on my own life experience.
The people that have come into my life are just amazing. I'd like to dedicate this post to my new friend Sue D. Found through Little Red Bird. Sue found Little Red Bird Chirping on Medium George Anderson's facebook page. She was guided to my blog here and started reading. On 1/16/12 Sue reached out:
Hi Jen,
I happened to come across your blog by finding Little Red Bird on George Anderson's FB page. I absolutely love what you have done for your sister...you can just feel all the love you had for your sister just oozing from what you write and feel. What a beautiful gesture in honor of your sister.I lost my best friend 10 mths ago to breast cancer; she was like a sister to me and I find a lot of encouragement from Little Red Bird and your blog...so thank you. I know it was no coincidence that I happened to find you. We visit a lot of the same FB pages and I loved the letter you wrote to the judge. What was so strange was that my girlfriend was misdiagnosed; she battled the cancer for ten years and at the end I wanted to write a letter to her doctor, very similar to the same words you wrote to that judge. I would have tried to relate the same kind of message you did, however, my girlfriend requested that I do not write it, so I never did. I felt in instant connection with you..........
Lots of love to you and our loved ones up in heaven xo
One of the most amazing things about our connection is that she is from the exact area that I live now, here on Long Island. She moved to Connecticut not too long ago, but still has family and friends here on the Island. Of the millions of people in this world on facebook, Sue and I connect and are in the same area. That to me is just AMAZING!!!!!!
In one of my readings from Hilliary, Mary came through and said "Connecticut". I never knew what she meant, but Hilliary told me to write it down, that it would make sense later. Hmmmmm ~ I'm wondering if this is it!
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