This was sent to me from my SSS Jen Dio. I know it was Mary saying Hi & keeping her company while she was cooking...... Jen knew it too!
This is a blog dedicated to my dear sister Mary who had so much to live for and so much to give ~ she gave all she had and it is all treasured now... until we see again.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Mary visits my SSS
This was sent to me from my SSS Jen Dio. I know it was Mary saying Hi & keeping her company while she was cooking...... Jen knew it too!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Angels & Numbers

Monday, December 26, 2011
Archangel Michael ~ Synchro

After running a couple quick errands on Christmas Eve morning , I came home to my husband rambling on and on about Archangel Michael. While I was gone, he decided to look up information on Archangel Michael and all the things he stood for. He had a sparkle in his eyes as he shared all the interesting facts he learned.
I just stood there and listened to his childlike discovery. It was so fun and funny because I was JUST about to give him his first gift for Christmas. Archangel Michael cards! Chad had mentioned to me that he liked Archangel Michael, but that was it, never any details of what he knew about him. I couldn't believe my ears. What a confirmation this was that I made a perfect choice in purchasing these cards for him. It was kind of a fluke that I had even found them.......A couple weeks earlier I randomly discovered a Namaste shop in NYC. The Doreen Virtue Archangel Michael cards caught my attention and for some reason felt like I was supposed to buy them.
What an amazing Synchronicity! The angels were speaking to us and brought this moment together :)

“According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. (quoted by Carol Lynn Pearson in Consider the Butterfly)”
― Deepak Chopra, Synchrodestiny: Harnessing the infinite power of coincidence to create miracles
“We do not create our destiny; we participate in its unfolding. Synchronicity works as a catalyst toward the working out of that destiny.”
― David Richo, The Power of Coincidence: How Life Shows Us What We Need to Know
“When you stop existing and you start truly living, each moment of the day comes alive with the wonder and synchronicity.”
― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free
Cardinal Christmas Story

Mary Blanton Hutslar:
:) Everything happens for a reason! My grandfathers CB handle was Red Bird and when I got up Christmas morning there was red bird and squirrel sitting together in the tree above my door. I was tagging the picture and found your page. Thank you for all the beautiful memories it has brought to me tonight!
She is Just Away

When death walks by with quiet tread
to touch a loved one who's then led
away from sleep, away from pain,
to walk in joy and live again...
You'll hear her on a whispered breeze,
a calling bird in swaying trees...
D not weep long, but lift your eyes,
you'll see her glory in God's skies.
She'll be there in a swallow's flight...
her eyes in stars on a velvet night...
her courage strong in every tree...
her name carved well, for eternity.
Hide not your love within your heart,
for she will always be a part
of you and everything you do,
for death is nought when love is true.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Little Red Bird loves Ladybug Whispers
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Little Red Bird Cardinal Signns

Kelly Beck Lund:
Red birds remind me that my Grandma is close by even though she is in heaven I know her spirit and guidance is near. I love you lil red bird.
Jodi Gregor:
Looks like the one I saw when I had my dream about my dad who passed less than 6 months ago. My son saw one in the tree staring at him last weekend. It then flew towards the window at us and then flew away. I love these beautiful signs that God allows my dad to give us. Thanks for sharing!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The Universe - Orbs

Saturday, December 17, 2011
An Angel Visit for my friend Jobear

Sometimes it takes a long time to get an answer... Long time ago we had a second miscarriage in the same year I was totally undone. Didn't tell anyone but I just knew it would have been a boy so in my mind I named him Jeremy and I imagined what he would have looked like and traits of his temperament, he would have been a June baby.They say these unborn go straight to heaven and develop there into full stature and wait for us there.The other day I went to a new dentist and he says to me hello my name is Jeremy and I had a double take it was all I had imagined and more. he had my wife's stature small and my father's blue eyes and blond hair and he was more reserved like my daughter and her mother. When he put his fingers on my chin to examine me it felt like family. he proceeded to replace old fillings in my front teeth and gave me a new smile. Afterwards I felt a peace that everything was alright after all and something good had turned out in heaven out of a devastating situation and I can say after such a long time I found comfort.
Mary's Lil Legacies

Friday, December 16, 2011
Soulful Quote from my friend Poli X

"We all have courageous souls because we all have a difficult story to tell that created the space we are in now. Its that space that forms who you become in life and what action you place on yourself to shine through it with great RESPECT to yourself and others. I am always reflecting the me that created the 'I' in my life." ♥ hugs ~Poli X
Another Little Red Bird Story

"My mother used to say when I die, I'm coming back as "one of those red birds". Shortly after her death my sister kept seeing cardinal around her house and while I was out for a walk while in NY for my mom's funeral, I noticed a cardinal following me and even snapped some pix of it. I did not know about my mom's red bird statement when I did so.
After I saw pix my sis posted of a cardinal looking in her window just two days after Mom's death, my sister told me what my mom had said..."
A Little Red Bird Story

Jobear Dumas (A Little Red Bird Fan) has shared a wonderful cardinal story with me on my FB page and I had to share it here:
To LRB - a Messenger:
My little sister passed away a long time ago she had been a child with special needs and I had been a caregiver and we were close. So I was sad in my room missing her when I heard a peck peck at my window that wouldn't quit so I went to check it out it was a little red bird coming to cheer me. Well I had red curtains and a bush below the window with small red blooms that may have lured the bird but over the years I moved to different places and soon a little red bird would come so I took it as a sign from her to cheer me. Well now I've moved to the desert where there are no red birds but I met the little red bird on Facebook who supplies me with much inspiration and a multitude of little red birds and I save the pictures in a folder so when needed I have all the little red birds to look at.
You can use the story glad you liked it my mother just came back from a long cruise while aboard she saw a young lady on the deck and she said to her you look like my daughter would have what is your name she said Francine from Montreal (that is my sister's name and the original city we came from) the young lady said you give me the shivers and gave my mom a hug.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Cardinal Messages from Rev Jacqueline Garner

Wake up! Cardinal is chirping at you—bringing a message of personal power. Stop shrinking from your destiny. Stop pretending that you are less than. If you are unsure of your path, ask Cardinal to fly with you—it’s certain he will help you focus, gain clarity, formulate a plan, become self-assured, and step out into the world with the confidence befitting a person of your power.
God & Our Angels often speak to us through subtle messages & symbols. Their messages can be like little treasures just waiting for us to recognize them. They may come as a vision, a thought, a word, a feeling, a sound, in physical form or even in a dream.Have a beautiful Day~ Loads Of Love, Rev Jacqueline J Garner, Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive, Certified Reiki Master, Artist ♥ @ Reiki Angel TM
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Cardinal Gifts on Dad's B-day

Thank you for my Mary ornament! My tree will look different from now on. Gotta share. When Morgan heard the Cowboys were playing the cardinals on Sunday - she said, "oh mom, Mary." Then when they won she reminded me again. Sunday afternoon we went shopping and she found a cardinal gift tag. the sales lady offered her to take as many as she would like since they were complimentary and would be discarded after Christmas any way. Morgan took one and slipped it in my purse. totally forgot about it until I found it on my conference. It's now hanging on my buletin board in my classroom. My reminder from Mary that she is with me always even in the trivial moments - just like before. Better still she knows Morgan and Morgan know her!!!! What a gift this Christmas!!! There truly is such joy in the simplest of things!!! And Mary is ALWAYS with me and my children! A blessing in itself-just llike Mary!!!!
Happy Birthday Dad

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Mary Confirms her Love in a Dream

Little Red Bird Signs Everywhere

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Jana's Mary Memory Book
Friday, November 11, 2011

Everyday is special but TODAY is extra special! 11/11/11 ~ angels are everywhere - open your heart and see with your eyes the beauty of their love - signs are everywhere! BELIEVE and you will see! ~LRB Chirps
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Cool Synchronicity
Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011
Signs ~ Spoons
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Connections - Stories from Loss

Candace Hirsch: Little Red Bird, I love your blog. I used to believe in signs and was convinced I had them. Mine are ladybugs, doves, blue birds. And things have happend concerning each. But now I think it was just me wanting to see what I wanted to see...self-comfort. I'll tell you a story about a ladybug. My first "step" dad died when I was almost 7. I didn't know my real dad as he died when my mother was pregnant for me. My dad that just died in AUG was my dad for the last 43 years. I never considered either a "step" dad...they were my dad. I was close to both of them. Anyway, I went out to see my first dad...before this dad died...hope this isn't confusing...and I was going through something and wasn't sure if it would be straightened out. When I first got to his grave that day...this was in JUN...I saw a ladybug walking on his grave marker. I smiled because I thought he had made sure it was there to let me know, it would be okay. I sat down on my sheet next to his grave and had my legs outstretched and had lost sight of the ladybug while doing this. But after I stretched my legs, there on my pants was the ladybug. I couldn't figure out how it got there. I let it crawl on my finger and talked to my dad and told him thank you and I would quit worrying. That ladybug stayed on my finger the 20 minutes I was there and when I went to leave, I put it on one of the flowers on his grave. That ladybug meant a lot to me. I was sure it was a sign from him. My dad that just died used to say to will probably be the only one who brings me flowers when I die. He knew I always brought them out to my other dad. Sunday, I was out there putting new flowers on both their graves and sitting and crying and talking to my dad that just died and I looked up and flying overhead was a bald eagle. It was beautiful. I wanted to think it was my dad giving him dying was horrible and it haunts me. His last words were to me as I was the one with him in the ER before they transferred him to another hospital and he never spoke to any of us again. Even his last words haunt me. He said.."I'm sorry". Those two words can mean so many things and I am not sure exactly why he said it. He was only 64. He was only 13 years older than I am. He was younger than my mom when they married. A mere child really..he was only 21 and married a woman with 6 kids. I can't even imagine. Yet, he became a wonderful dad. And my heart aches so badly and I know my dad would have come to see help me get through this...if there really was an afterlife. That's how he was. Always there for me. I miss him and am lost without him here........
Julie Bamonte Burgo: Candace, I lost my dad in 2006 and then my mom 3 years later in 2009. It's very difficult and I still cry. It gets better, then you have your bad days. I do get a lot of signs (my husband and daughter too) my siblings seem to get them a lot when they are with me. I was mom's caregiver for 3 years, my family moved in with her after my dad passed. She had cancer. We were very close. They signs we get are numbers like "Little Red Bird" we get 555 11:11 (that's when she passed) so many number like 444 333 - we see robins and turn the radio on a just the right time. I get the first three numbers of her home phone (my grandmas house) often too. We have had some electrical things happen with lights that were not plugged in and lights turning off by themselves. Pray a lot! Pray and cry... that's when I really get the signs. They'll come to you!!! Hugs to you. Keep pictures and belongings around you and do not let anyone tell you that it is unhealthy to do that. We all grieve at our own pace.
LRB Chirps and Stories are Shared

Your angels are with you always! Loving you, watching you, whispering to you - be open to the signs, they will begin to appear! BELIEVE and you will see! ~ LRB Chirps
SSS = Synchronistic Soul Sisters

~Carl Jung
~ Deepak Chopra
I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path.

Sunday, October 30, 2011
DAD ~ 777

Some magic happened today!
After completing a few blog posts, I had a random thought in the back of my mind. "I really hope I see a cardinal today!" Shortly after that thought, I had to go outside in the freezing rain to walk my pup. There - over in my tree, a beautiful cardinal was there chirping at me! I smiled a big smile and my heart warmed with love. My thoughts had been heard. My tree out back had been empty of my lil chirps lately. All I had to do was notice and wish them back.
A few minutes later, as I headed to my car , I heard a beautiful bird singing. I looked to the sounds and saw high in the tree, my handsome Red Robin singing to me, icy rain and all! I thought to myself, "Dad, that's you Isn't it!?"
Shortly down the road, I noticed that the car in front of me had the license plate 777 RIP!!!! My dads favorite # was 7!!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Books Choose Me
I just finished reading two pretty incredible books by Jenniffer Weigel that I totally connected with. Yes, another Jen comes into my life :)! She thinks just like me - holey moley!! Wait a minute, who's older? If she's older, then I think just like her.... right? Isn't that how it works?
I happened to come across her first book as I was searching for a book for my SSS, Jen Dio in Borders. It's as if the book jumped out at me. The title itself caught my attention and then as I read the back I knew I had to have it. She too has had cardinal visits and signs:
Crazy crazy crazy...... how we both wonder and question the same things! In her book she shares about her many Medium connections. I too have had many experiences with Mediums in the last 3 years and believe in the healing they provide. James Van Praagh is a particular Medium she favors and I had heard about him even before my Jenniffer Weigel adventure. I felt it was time to read one of his books, sooooo, I went to my little Amazon WISH LIST (HA - very much the opposite) and added to my list:
THEN ~ within hours, I received a message in my E-mail: Your order of "Talking to Heaven: A Mediu..." has shipped! What the heck?!? I've put MANY books on my wish list and this has NEVER happened. I took it as a sign that it was meant to be! Someone wanted me to read this...... Well, I have it now and after reading the first paragraph in the Acknowledgments, I see WHY it was meant to be! It spoke of my own passion: To promote LOVE HOPE & INSPIRATION to the world through my experiences and through Positive Living!