Saturday, September 18, 2010

Synchronicities ~Making Life Fun

I am constantly being blown away by the synchronicities in my life. How certain people come into my life ~ the how's and why's are unknown, but the course of life that flows from one surprising thing to the next is certainly Fun. I didn't even know the word "Synchronicity" until recently. Since discovering it, so many questions are being answered!

Here is an example: A couple posts ago (Middle School Memory), I blogged about my sisters middle school friend Jennifer G, who found me. We share the same date that is VERY SIGNIFICANT in both our lives for the same reason. We both went to different high schools our senior year. We both went to C.S. Middle School & J.M. High School (at different times) & we were both divided by that J.M./Taft High School line. It is just crazy how and why she found me! I was completely blown away.... trying to make sense of it and then:

The same day I received that e-mail from Jennifer G, I watched a show "Mary's knows Best" on TV that night. Chad recorded it thinking I may like it. It's about this crazy Long Island Psychic/Medium and her family. I didn't end up liking the show, but the lady in the show did say one thing I needed to hear, how "if synchronicities line up through one event, its a way of telling you that you are at the right place at that time." (something like that)! I really liked that!! Something about it made sense. So........ Chad googled Sychronicities for me and found this link that blew me away with the answers that were there.

Another thing about Jennifer G is that she seems to fit the description of the girl in my dream I had with Mary over a year ago. Mary had come to me in my dream and pointed to a girl at a table far off at the other end of the room and told me she was helping her..... I blogged about this dream on 12-29-08 -"My Dream~My Angel". (You can find it in my blog archives.)

I wanted to share all this here ~ because I feel like something incredible is going on here in my life!

I'm being guided ~ and I'm not looking for any of this....All I'm doing is being perceptive and "noticing" it all! Connections, Cardinals, Orbs and so many Signs! My eyes are being opened and looking back, I see more synchronicities. How I met Chad, how Boo came into my life, my job, Certain people in my life, even how our Honeydog came to us too! So many - so much!

Signs from above with so much Love..... I am right where I am supposed to be!

Synchronicities ~ a "wink in the cosmos"

"Synchronicity happens when God wishes to remain anonymous"

1 comment:

Laurie Kolp said...

That's amazing, Jeni. I know this is God working in your life. Can't wait to see where He takes you, my friend!