This is a blog dedicated to my dear sister Mary who had so much to live for and so much to give ~ she gave all she had and it is all treasured now... until we see again.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Special Bouquet

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Angel & Sister = One
My own Good Friday
Well my day like that was Friday 8/28. No particular reason... just full of peace & serenity. I was comfortable down to the core, including my clothes. It was Friday & I wore a black wrap around dress with a thin black wrap around overlay to keep me warm from the chill that was in the grey sky.
Needless to say, I didn't think it was going to start out that way. I DID NOT want to get out of bed! Nope... no having it ~ Chad was trying so hard. I had already snoozed the first train away. Then all of a sudden, as if answering Chad's prayers, a cardinal was outside my window chirpping as loud and fast as she could. I knew it was a "she" because I crawled out of bed to see her. She saw me see her & then flew away. That was it ~ the start to my good Friday!
The weather channel called for storms, but i didn't care, I wore my lil leopard flip flops with hopes to splash in the rain. Oooops ~ I forgot my umbrella! Silly me. It wasn't so bad at the train, but when I came out of the subway up the stairs to my street, I saw it was a steady pour. Oh boy - it was my lucky day.... a lil asian lady was at the top of the stairs selling umbrellas for $5. I got one! Stayed dry all the way to work. I got to my door and pulled my umbrella closed when I saw a resident of my building standing there without an umbrella not sure what to do. I didn't even hesitate ~ I handed her my umbrella & said "Here you go - stay dry"! She was so shocked she didn't know what to say. She tried to say "No, that's okay...". I told her I didn't have one either today & got lucky with my top of the stairs find. She said she couldn't believe I would do this and has never met anyone so kind. That was IT - my day was made!! Her happiness made me happy.
Oh, I checked my E-mail later that day & was surprised by my note from the Universe & Thought for the day, they went with the energy of what I felt that day. Pretty amazing sometimes:
"Last night, Jeni, I was dreaming of you, again.
You were radiant, confident, and light beamed in every direction from the core of your being. Music followed you, angels serenaded you, and everyone was elevated by your presence. Wisdom shown from your eyes. Kindness emanated from your touch. And your power was simply awesome.
You looked, well... pretty much... exactly as you do right now.
The Universe "
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ®
Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity.--Joseph Addison
Wedding Orbs

I have been receiving pictures each week from different friends or family.... I just got these from my dear friend Kim. Great pictures!!
I knew Mary and my dad were there with us.
In this picture dancing with Kelsey, you can see 3 orbs

Friday, August 28, 2009
Amazing Google Find
First I'd like to share with you his kind regards:
Hello Jeni,
I went to high school and graduated with Mary. I have relocated back home to San Antonio and came across Memories to Cherish by chance actually. I felt the need to drop you a line and express the sentiment that I am sorry for your loss.......I was unaware that Mary had passed.
My memories of her are fond. I do recall always being able to discern her little frame from everyone else in the school halls because of this energy she carried with her. We would take the time to exchange pleasantries between classes even if was just a "Hi" at times. Coming across this has affected me to say the least. It has been on my mind ever since I found out on my own accord. I praise your courage, and I am touched by what you have created on her behalf......... bless you and your family. … I don't know the circumstances that surround this tragedy, but I do know that I am affected. Spiritually, I can find solace that I am affected for a reason. Thank you once again for creating this and sharing with all of us. I feel fortunate to have gained some insight into your world.
This e-mail made my day!
Now, the amazing part is when I asked him to share how he found me. I will cut and paste his response, (only because it sounds best coming from him):
....The way I came across it was unusual. I was looking for a book called "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" that some friends of mine read for a class in college. I couldn't tell you why I was looking for it, but I had always wanted to read it. There were several hits off of my search. I clicked on several, and one led to another. Then your "Good Things Come from Bad Circumstances" blog title came up. I noticed the picture on the page, but I could not put my finger on the resemblance yet. As I read through the blog, I came to find that it was someone I knew. I was shocked, saddened and comforted.
It is nice to be reminded that Mary is being remembered with fondness. It is my hope to keep her alive in our hearts and minds with beautiful memories here on her blog. "Memories to Cherish".....
Mary was too incredible a person to be forgotten! Mary was courage, inspiration, determination! She gave encouragement and love unconditionally!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Great Quote
Rays from Heaven

When I was a kid I thought it was God answering peoples prayers....
What a beautiful thought!
As an adult I have made a conscious decision to still believe that ;)!
It may not be literally or physically true but I do believe He answers prayers so why wouldn't I let myself believe those rays are his way of showing us He's there!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A New Life Sought

The new blog has given me a glimpse of Bali & it is beautiful!! The pics here in my blog are borrowed from the site!

" I may not have all that I want but I have more than I need"!
I welcome the simple things in life like my birds of love that are with me every where I go, all my loved ones and the new discoveries through others I am learning and incorporating into my own!
A Little Sadness
He reminds me that I have had the biggest and longest high in my entire life. 9 months of planning an event of a lifetime and a week and day full of all my loved ones here in NY just for us!
Real life or life as it was before we decided to get married is a struggle getting back to.... it's not happening like a light switch.
I know that this is just the way its supposed to be and I will flow back into life. I think I might be having some Kelsey & Brett withdrawals too....we had them for 9 days and what a memoriable time. Chad is sharing "Charlie the Unicorn" youtube video with everyone ~ thanks Brett :)!!
I've also had more time now in my head and Mary is there. I miss her soooo much! It's hard to believe she was here and now she's not. I know she is here in spirit or with me like bubbles in a bubble bath, but I miss her sweet voice and energy and love she so freely gave. I get lumps in my throat that spill out of my eyes frequently these days. I remind myself that she is still here and in the end we will all be together. Life on earth is so short - so I am trying to enjoy every moment and give and love! I am getting ready for the next venture in life!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Rest In Peace

Sunday, August 16, 2009
The most incredible compliment
I had to do a double take on the photo of your niece, Kelsey. She looks so much like Mary about the time she was in my life (a long time ago but seems just like yesterday). Thinking about her has made me think a lot about how important it is to reach out to others and let more people into my heart.
I recently embarked on a journey of self-assessment and while it was quite painful it was well worth the time and effort. I don't know if you had any idea how unhappy my home life was during middle school and high school but it was awful. School was my escape and the place I received positive feedback for my achievements. During my journey I tried to figure out where in my life things changed for me and I finally realized that being on Dance Team was what really made a difference in my life. I went from being completely self-conscious and shy to the much more confident and self-assured person I have become. It is a quite striking physical change as well that mirrors the internal change that occurred. My school photos are so completely different from one year to the next that I almost can't believe it.
While I was figuring all of this out I was encouraged to examine who was in my life at the time and I couldn't put my finger on who exactly might have had something to do with my "transformation." And then it hit me - that person is you! You were my person. I hope that doesn't sound strange or weird but when I stumbled across you on FB it hit me. You were the first person that showed any interest in me for who I was rather than what I could do or achieve.
So, while it has been many years since I have seen you I want to thank you for the smallest and simplest acts of kindness that made more of a difference in my life than you will ever know. If it helps ease your pain any, please realize that you have had a tremendous impact on other people's lives. There are probably more people that you have touched than you will ever know!
Congratulations again on the wedding and happy 40th! I love the painting of the reception - I would love to have one of ours! Best wishes - always.
Always Near

Mary's siblings..... I know she would have wanted to be in this picture. It reminds me of the picture below:

Saturday, August 15, 2009
So Proud

Friday, August 14, 2009
Heavenly Wedding
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Cardinal Wedding