I came across these pix of Mary when she was 13...
What a lil star she was even then!
I loved growing up with Mary.... she was a unique lil sis. She was so good at everthing she did. She would follow in my footsteps by doing things I did, but she would take it to the next level and be the champion.
I took up an interest in speed skating when I was 13, she would just watch me and wait to inherit those black skates with cool white stripes. She took them and ran..... she was like lightning in those things. Me? I just thought they were cool & did some dancey moves in them.
Mary was not a quitter & she gave her heart and soul to whatever it is she was doing.
Cheerleading, gymnastics, dancing and more. She exceeeded herself. Me? I would just do it, try out for the best, make it and get sidetracked for something else. Mary was a completer.
Triathelate winner . . . . . . Best of the best in the Co-ed rollerbladers in Texas. She beat them all. Amazing she was. She didn't bask in the wins, she would compliment the opponents and tell them they were great. That was Mary! The Best ~ with a Heart!
I am so proud to be Mary's big sis and #1 fan. I only wish we had more time. I can't stop missing her.
I just joined a "no frills" gym yesterday called Spartans. It's hardcore - I instantly thought of Mary and wished I could tell her all about it. She would be going crazy with excitement over the phone. The owner is crazy serious about training every single one of his members... he reminded me alot of Mary. I could hear Mary now "YEAH!! YOU CAN DO IT JENI!" "I'LL CHEER YOU ON!"... This guy was training this girl outside when Chad & I arrived yesterday. She was flipping over a tractor trailor tire down the whole parking lot. Whew... tough stuff. Mary would love it!!! Such a challenge... she would be like "No Problem - bring it on baby"!
Soooo, I am doing this for you sis! In honor of you! I will be happy to give you my sweat - you already have my tears!

I can't get over how much Kelsey looks like Mary! I'm so glad you joined a gym. Exercise makes you feel happier. It's a good tool for healing or depression. I need to get out there, too- and plan to. Let's do it!
Love ya!!!
I remember those skates with the white stripes? Those were cool. Remember when she would squat down and put one foot over the other one??? I remember how she would always win all the races? There is noone like her..never..nowhere...no-how! Mary is the best...ever!!!
Love you and can't wait to see you,
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