I was thinking about my life and my struggles. My losses and my pains. I feel a little bit like that dissheveled lil dove on my patio. Too young to feel what I feel. I always knew I was an old soul, but never really felt "old". I have my moments and when I look at this little dove, it is me I see during those times.
This is a blog dedicated to my dear sister Mary who had so much to live for and so much to give ~ she gave all she had and it is all treasured now... until we see again.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A Bird for me
I was thinking about my life and my struggles. My losses and my pains. I feel a little bit like that dissheveled lil dove on my patio. Too young to feel what I feel. I always knew I was an old soul, but never really felt "old". I have my moments and when I look at this little dove, it is me I see during those times.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Some Mary Memories
As I reflect on my sisters life, I am just so amazed that she is gone.
Mary was such a positive loving spirit all the way through....
She loved you as soon as she met you. She didn't have a judmental eye!
She would look at you with admiration and listen to you with her whole heart and then she would say something positive about you to make you feel her love.
I know this because I would see her in action.
I would introduce her to someone and then just stand back and watch her in admiration.
Everyone who met her loved her.
That's why my friends instantly became hers.
We had so many fun times!
Bachlorette Parties, Baby Showers and weekend get togethers!
I loved being with Mary and am so sad she's gone.
We didn't have enough time together ~ I needed more time!!
I remember one of the first times I took Mary out on the town with me and my friends...
We headed over to the casual "Sam's Boat" one summer night. i always knew she would get alot of attention, but that smile of hers was so bright, the boys would flock over and I had to put up a fight - "Hey, that's my sis! Stay away from her!" I wished I could just put her in a bubble & show her around, but she had such a mangetic energy that people just flocked to her. I would finally tell her, "Mary, stop smiling" and she would try so hard it was funny to watch. She would have her lips pursed so tightly that the smile would burst through her eyes. How fun she was - so innocently sweet.
These are the memories I cherish and will blog them for you to enjoy, getting to know my Mary and loving her as she deserves!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
My Robin

I've got a new little follower. I've been seeing it so often at such significant times. I mentioned it in my blog a week or so ago, but since then, the appearances have increased.
Just last weekend I was driving past an open field. During the fall it's a pumpkin patch, right now its just grass. I looked at the field full of black gackle birds and right in the middle of the pack was my Robin. It stood out with its beautiful red chest - it looked like it was looking right through the window of my car at me. It was an amazing moment I had just driving on by.
I was leaving for work two mornings ago - bright and early, before 7 a.m.! I live in an apartment where my door is in a breezeway. I was just reaching the end of it when all of a sudden, a beautiful ROBIN flew from the roof, right into my path and settling on a tree branch in front of my car. It just sat there with its beautiful red chest staring at me. I got into my car without a minute to spare but just long enough to receive the birds stare. I had to take garbage to the compactor across the apartment complex and as I got out - right before my eyes was the beautiful Robin in the tree by the chute. It just sat there with that same hard stare.
Chad had said to me that he hasn't seen a Robin amongst all our birds, but just tonight as we pulled into our parking spot - the wondrous Robin swooped right in front of our eyes and landed on that branch and showed Chad its here. It was very noisy tonight... as if it had alot to say. It flew from the tree to the tip of the roof of my breezeway singing the Robin tunes.
Funny thing how I'm surrounded by these birds. I feel so special, so protected and so lucky. I've always been aware of my surroundings and these bird visits are new, that I know! Sometimes I wonder if I'm going crazy with all these bird signs! It's so surreal...
Somehow I get the feeling the Robin is representing my dad, because its a special kind of energy of comfort I feel.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Kids on the Go

Well, I got the tickets for Kelsey & Brett on Sunday.
They are going to fly on their mommy's B-day... how special is that?!
It just so happened to be the day to be!
I wonder if Mary had anything to do with that?
July 31st is the day you see...
I tried for the 30th, but their dad couldn't make it.
So the day after will be the perfect day ~ for Mary's lil legacies!
Woohoo - I can't wait. It's their first flight!
I've already day dreamed of greeting them at the gate!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Healing with Lavender
In honor of Mary I spent the day doing things for her:
- I started out by talking to dear Laurie who gave me some news about some words that were said this horrible day one year ago. The words that pushed her over the edge and made her do what she did. She confirmed some things that I only assumed. God will handle this because I've given it to him! Besides, Mary told me I need to forgive.
- I went on to GameStop to buy lil Brett the Pokemon Platinum, in hopes to make his day! I spoke to him and Kelsey to let them know how much they are loved and the plans I've made for them to come to NY on their mommy's B-day!
- I went to Bed Bath & Beyond to buy some Lavender candles to burn in honor of our sweet Mary! Thank you Chad for this incredible idea. I've posted a picture of my precious Mary memorial at the top of this blog.
- I spoke to Mom, Lisa, Kelsey & Brett - reached out to David & Kerri! Nancy, Charlotte, Courtney & Bill reached out in honor of her day!
- I then went to Fedex Kinkos to scan some more Mary pix that I found in storage yesterday.
- I ate some Baked Lays potato chips in honor of Mary - one of her many favorite snacks. (along with pretzels w/mustard, pumpkin seeds and diet coke)

You are so loved Mary!!! We will not forget you! How could we??!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Signs from Above - Daddy comes through!

My eyes have been opened and my heart filled with signs.
Just the other day - I woke as usual and walked to my back door, my birdfeeder is empty but your still at my door. A little cardinal waiting for me to say good early morning Jeni - have a good day. I gathered my things and had some garbage in tow. A drive to the compactor and a little dove out my front door. Upon arrival at the chute, a Red Robin I did see, singing a morning song looking at me. Around the corner the Red Robin followed, never taking its eyes off me. I looked up at the sky and said a Good Morning - Hi :)!
Off to the city with you on my mind, I walked up to a big box with "Malt O Meal" written all over its side. Filled inside the contents to see, were boxes of "Fruity Tooty" cereal. Could it be? Daddy was here - comforting me! Whenever I think of my dad - as I often do - its the box of Malt O meal that he loved to eat all the day through. So many times we went to breakfast, at IHOP the restaurant. I would laugh every time he placed his order; "I'll have the Rooty Tooty Fresh & Fruity" please.
So typical for this time of year, that my dear dear dad would come through to say "I am here for you"!
I know he is with you up there and what a sweet gift to see that down here too, he's still with me!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Our Last Conversation

It was a year ago today that I last heard your voice. We spoke almost everyday on my way to or from work. What a sweet lil voice you had that just melted at my heart. Your cries of joy or cries of grief were music to my ears. Even then before you were gone, it was always a treat.
We spoke about your family trip to the Schlitterbaum you had just days before. Your sounds of love and life coming back even better than before. You had such hope Mary, such hope!
You mentioned to me some worries you had about your lil Kelsey. You didn't tell me any details - that you wanted to spare. You said we would talk about it later when she wasn't in the car with you... you said, "don't worry, it's not an eating disorder or anything like that".... I couldn't wait to talk to you again, but that didn't happen.... you were gone.
Luckily I met your friend Laurie who you saw that night after that call and a month later I got to hear what your worries were because you shared them with her. I thought I would be tormented the rest of my life wondering what it was, but instead, you eased that pain and shared it to me through Laurie.
Yes, we have conversations now, but not like we did, my eyes are open and I hear your special calls.
Precious Moments & Signs

Today our dear brother David drove to see you at the place your body rests. With Amanda by his side to wipe away his cries. He got there to find you and place a cardinal charm, but couldn't find your exact spot because there wasn't a headstone in the ground. He searched the spot he remembered, not so long ago. He reached out to me thousands of miles away and my strings of love found Laurie who wasn't very far away. She stopped in her tracks and dropped everything she was doing to drive out to our dear brother David and help him find your spot. What a gem of a friend, a sister at heart. I praise her for her selflessness and true love to you. Thank you for my new friend, I know she is true. Unconditional love and friendship! I'm so grateful you had her & she had you. We miss you sweet Mary!
We all know how much David loves baseball and he knows you know that too. For him to find that baseball in your cemetary was a definite sign from you. He will cherish that baseball as if it was signed by a pro. What am I saying?! It was a sign from a pro!
Pro Mary ~ our Star beyond your time!
P.S. Don't worry ~ we'll get you a headstone to place where your body is buried! I'm sorry I didn't follow up with what was told to me was ordered... I can hear you say "that's okay ~ I'm always with you any way"! My sweet Mary, you always said that! You deserve more than that, so I'm saying back to you "It's not okay, so I'm going to make it okay - okay?!"
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Things I'm grateful since Mary left
I am very sad Mary is not with us anymore to journey through life together here on earth. Although I know she is still with us.
The optimistic and positive side of me has decided to write about a few things I am grateful for since she left:
The optimistic and positive side of me has decided to write about a few things I am grateful for since she left:
- The people who have come into my life - Laurie, Kerri, Cousin Susan....
- The many signs I've received since that day....
- My closeness to Kelsey & Brett...
- That incredible dream I had of Mary...
- Sense of purpose in my life...
- The incredible support I've received from Chad, my family, my friends, co-workers, and too many more to name...
- My newfound faith, my awareness and enlightment...
- All my birds & especially my Cardinals...
- Blue Orbs....
Red Cardinals and Blue Orbs in pictures have entered my life when Mary died March 22nd, 2008. They bring me a peace and a new found faith of life after life as we know it
Friday, March 13, 2009
10 things I love about Mary
It's 10 days away from being one year that Mary's life on earth ended. 3/22/08
In celebration of her life and her memory, I'd like to share the top 10 things I loved most about MARY:
- The pedastol she put me on and never let me fall off!
- Her determination to achieve and succeed no matter what obstacles came her way.
- That never ending twinkle in her eyes that shone every time I saw her.
- Her unending smile that brightened the entire room and washed all negativity away.
- The positive energy she carried with her every moment of every day. It was so contagious.
- Her sincere desire to encourage, teach and love her family, students, friends and anyone who she met.
- The strength to move onward and upward through tough times.
- The way she LOVED with her whole heart.
- Did I mention the twinkle in her eyes when she smiled?
- #1 ~ Her unconditional LOVE and I mean Unconditional!!
Remember, these are the top 10... the real list could go on & on!
Here's a picture of a bonus reason I loved her sooo much - just look at this present she sent me 4 years ago in the mail.... it made me smile so BIG and to imagine the smiles this package got all the way from Texas to New York made me think "Just like Mary to bring a smile in a package".
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A couple doves to love

I got a bad case of the stomach flu ~ causing me to feel extra blue.
I shared my blog with a new friend this week & she shared some pics of her precious doves with me I'd like to share with you.
I have a couple new birds that have been visiting my bird kingdom out back. 2 bluish gray doves. ~ so beautiful they are. I tried to take their picture but of course they flew away.
This is the month you passed away last year. Maybe that has something to do with my blues. 11 more days and it will be a year! Crazy how life goes on here on earth, now just with a few more tears....
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Blue Orbs
I just have to post these because they AMAZE me.
They started appearing in May 2008, then again August 2008 and again in December 2008.....
I have a couple of friends who have shared pictures with me of very very similar orbs. I googled "blue orbs" and read some of the blurbs on the books that are on Amazon and they amaze me even more what they claim to be.
I have a couple of friends who have shared pictures with me of very very similar orbs. I googled "blue orbs" and read some of the blurbs on the books that are on Amazon and they amaze me even more what they claim to be.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Unexpected Gifts
I am truly amazed at the things that I have absolutely
no intention of being given to me - DO!!!
If that doesn't make sense, that's okay, maybe my explanation will make it clear.
It's just little simple things like:
The other day I was looking down at the boots I wear almost everyday on my commute to work. They keep my feet so warm & sometimes I even wear them all day. I thought back to the time I bought them 2 winters ago (YES, they are still in great condition). I bought them with a Macy's gift certificate my co-workers at my previous property pitched in and bought me. Their thoughtfulness brought tears to my eyes. They didn't have to do that, but they did. They somehow found out that I looooove shopping at Macy's & surprised me with it. I got to buy myself things I wouldn't have spent my own money on... it was fun. So now when I wear my little black zip up boots with fur in them I think of them all, or when I wear my sexy brown cowgirl boots I think of them & my cool black Calvin Klein belt with a classy rhinestone buckle & my cream, sleeveless furry zip up jacket - it's them I thank. Yes, 2 years later.
Well, I was thinking recently that I hadn't gotten anything like that this year from my new set of co-workers and I wondered if they liked me as much or if I was doing as good a job for them. Then I brushed it off & thought to myself, "you spoiled brat - you have so much to be grateful for". I would never expect anything from anyone, but the bar was set....... then within the week, a co-worker came by and pulled a Macy's gift card out of his pocket & said, "This is for you because we think you are great"!
I NEVER SAID MY THOUGHTS ALOUD & never hinted anything I mentioned above. I sat there stunned with tears in my heart and confusion in my mind. How do things like this happen??
I am so lucky and blessed.
I genuinely love what I do, who I do it for and who I do it with!!!
Do you think this is the Law of Attraction or what?
Monday, March 2, 2009
Thinking of you....

Not a day goes by you don't enter my mind.
I look off in the distance and the vision becomes a blur.
My mind drifts to memories of you; your laughter, your love and your spirit.
I hold onto those times and keep them close.
I could live with your memories, even if I was blind.
Sadness will come over me when i realize you are gone, but I live for your signs.
They are what keep me moving along.
I know you had to go, lifes battles were heavier than most.
Just remember I love you!
Then, now & forever!
You are where you belong and in my heart you will keep me strong.
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