My family and a few of my friends received my
"Reflections of Jen's 2008" with their Christmas cards this year! You know who you are if you are reading this :)!
I love you all and am so very grateful for all that I have and all that I have had, for without each and every experience I have lived through, I wouldn't be who I am today!
"My faith grows stronger everyday and I am blessed with the riches of Love and Happiness!"
May you always experience
the best of lifes pleasures.......
2009 here we come!!!Merry Christmas
May all your hopes and dreams be fulfilled!
~Welcome 2009~
REFLECTIONS of Jen’s 2008
Goodness! Where do I begin? This year EVERYTHING emotional happened.
Good, bad, great & the worst! I lived to tell…..
I’d like to take this time to reflect on the wonderments of life in 2008. In looking back, we observe our life through reflections with hopes to have learned, loved and laughed. Life is just too short to spend with anger, hate or resentments. Hopefully goals were reached and new ones are set. Big or small, goals are important. They give us something to reach for.
Accomplishments are healthy for the soul.
Time has no mercy ~ every moment is a gift!
Most of you know I have been grieving the loss of my sister and best friend, Mary since March 22nd. Fortunately I am able to balance my grief with the celebration of her life. I’ve chosen to be grateful for having her at all! How lucky was I to have been given such a gift of her and to live with the beautiful memories I have?! I have started a blog dedicated to her… that is where I reflect and write her my thoughts. You are welcome to visit it and feel free to comment anytime. I write to heal.
http://www.jenicombs.blogspot.com/. Her kids, Kelsey and Brett are doing well. I keep them close. They are such good kids. I was blessed to spend a week with them at my sister Lisa’s in June; my brother David and mom were there too! Memories were made that I will cherish forever.
On that note, one of my goals last year was to start my own website with positive thoughts and acts of kindness recorded. I did learn how to build my own site and got one set up.
http://www.jenicombs.com/! It’s not what I expected, but I have a sense of accomplishment and that’s what matters most!
Work is going great! I was given an award of Excellence at our Company picnic for “Outstanding Commitment to the Brand Promise”. I’m so grateful to have what I have. I love what I do & I guess it shows. I strive to be better and wherever there is room to grow and learn, I do!
I look forward to my future….
Speaking of which ~ Chad & I have decided to unite as one “officially”! Most of you know that we were already “one” pretty much the day we met 14 years ago. Well, August 6, 2009 I will become Mrs. (he-he) Jennifer Marie Brocato! What a way to end the year.
I am so grateful for all of you in my life ~ my dear family & friends!
Thank you for all your love & support.
May your year be fruitful and your moments be treasured.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow’s a mystery & Today is a gift!
Love Always ………….xoxo …… Jeni & Chad
P.S. The cardinal has brought me peace since the day Mary passed ~
Keep your eyes out, she is everywhere!!