There is just something about this picture I like so much.... for one, we all shared the common bond of cheering and dancing! Each with our own special technique on it. I was the dancer, Lisa was the cheerleader & you sis were both! Just shows you, that you could do be anything you wanted. Anything you set out for. You always amazed me and always made me so proud! You were a wonderful lil sis to me, looking up to me and following in my footsteps and then you were a wonderful big sis to Lisa, loving her and including her in everything unlike alot of big sis's .... I bragged and bragged about you and was so overwhelmed with pride for you. Especially after going through what you went through in high school and then bouncing back into life with a vengeance. A vengeance of achievements! I love you so much! For who you were. For what you stood for and how you lived your life.
The other reason I like this picture is because of how it captured each of us.Lisa, standing strong and tall, just like who she has always been. Beautiful and strong in her faith. You, sitting there so comfortably in the splits bursting with pride and an energy that is and was so contagious. I see it! Then me, just standing there as the power of example, but yet looking down as a big sister does, caring for you, just as you needed.
What a blessing to have what we all had together. Triangle of love. Three hearts that beat as one.
You are still with us sis and we have the memories to live on. We are your fan club and I am proud to be the President of it :)... hehe!
I love that picture, too. We both got our love of dance from you! I remember that I couldnt' make up my mind...did I want to do danceteam like Jeni and cheerleading like Mary (though your right...she did both!) I was had my mind made up..danceteam. Then the day after the first day of cheer clinic I was persauded to try out for cheerleading and that began my cheer days. Both of you influenced me so much...to dance, encourage, have spirit, love life and have fun (and be silly too!)
Oh, and I remember Mary including me in so much...running, going places with her friends-haunted house, lake..swimming across the lake with her. Wow, so many memories are coming back to me now. This is a pretty long comment, huh? Look what you started! :-) I love you sis!
Oh- this is awesome. It brings me to tears. I so see the love you shared and the bond you sisters had. I see it will never end, and one day you will be together again. I love you all!
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