The cardinal is the state bird there in Illinois so they see them all the time, but they don't usually stand there just hopping about - as if trying to be seen. THAT IS A SIGN! Thank you Mary!Then, as I was sitting on the train to go home tonight, I dug into my purse to try to read a book I've had trouble starting. "A new Eath" by Eckart Tolle. I opted to open it to the back of the book where the pages were white, unlike the rest of the book. Page 223, "The discovery of Inner Space". I started reading about a King who was prone to Happiness, but the the slightest thing, change to despair. he seeked help from a wise man who gave him a Jade ring and told him to rub the ring when he started to feel despair and say "THIS TOO SHALL PASS".
Now the strange thing about me reading this is that in a "reading" I had recently, the intuitive counselor told me my dad came through and was saying "This too Shall Pass" (along with other sayings - "No problme is a problem unless you think its a problme" & "Make it Snappy").
I truly feel as if my dad just came through to me by passage!I was feeling a bit of despair and concious of it as I left work. I had just gotten news of yet another project needing to be made (and I haven't gotten a handle on the current ones), so I felt a little frustration and despair. As if I'll never be ahead of the game.
Then this! WOW! The signs are there! I don't choose the books i bring with me to read. They choose me.
Just for the record I've put another small book call "All things are Possible through Prayer" in my purse yesterday. A book I've had for 4 years given to me by Angie who passed 3 years ago. A very special woman in my life. I never read teh book, but felt compelled this week.