This is a blog dedicated to my dear sister Mary who had so much to live for and so much to give ~ she gave all she had and it is all treasured now... until we see again.
I was looking for the oh so familiar pain I had grown to know for so many years. I was amazed that I couln't see any. I was happy but stunned.... for so many years that she was alive, I saw past her cheerful smile and energy and felt her inner pain. I didn't see any of that in my dream. It was peace I saw. Serenity ~ so Beautiful!! I woke up crying. . . . .
We didn't speak with words, it was as if we spoke telepathically. She guided my gaze with her eyes to a table in the distance that she had walked from. There was a young girl/lady sitting there with her back to us in a sorrowful slump with her head bowed - as if in emotional pain. A pain I felt that was close to home. Mary said "Look Jeni, a girl as beautiful as you - and I'm helping her". Mary was so happy and proud about it and I felt like she was doing what she was meant to do. It was a sign.
Mary is Beautiful, she is very much alive in Spirit,
she is an Angel doing good!
What a very special day to celebrate. The world was blessed by his presence for 49 of them and I was blessed with 24 of mine with him! He is still with me in my heart & in spirit.
I know he's not alone today.... He is in Heaven with Our Father, his mom & dad, my precious sister Mary, baby Crystal, his brother Ricky and many many more!
I'm sure everyday is a celebration in Heaven ~ as it should be here. Either way, today's a day a I like to give thanks for my dad's Birthday. Without him, there would be no me.
What a wonderful dad I had! Thank you Dad for teaching me all that you did and encouraging me in all that I did and loving me unconditionally!
Happy Birthday Dad!
For others life is
short with quality of time.
My wedding plans seem to be missing something.... I was waiting for you Mary.I miss dad so
very much!
You were supposed to be my maid of honor - standing by my side.
A nest you made, in my tree
There is so much more than just this life on earth.I love you so much..... I feel you everywhere ~ all the time! We are like one soul.
I had to run home and post these pictures of that time she cried about!
Oh Mary, so beautiful, so sweet & so fast. Just a flash, that's all I got.
Life is like that too: Beautiful * Sweet * Fast!
Momma misses you Mary ~ We all miss you!
Today I will accept thatI don't have to know why things are the way they are.Instead I can pay attention tohealing, growing, and learning!
Dear Judge Walker,
I'm sure you know that my sister, Mary McCraw took her life on March 22, 2008. She had some demons she was dealing with. You did not help her with your mandate to jail. It may not be your place to look at a person's past record of life to determine the level of punishment, that is too bad. Mary did not have any sort of record. She was a teacher, a mother, an inspiration to all who came in contact with her.I hope you learn about the disease of addiction. It is not pretty. It is not prejudice, it gets the best of us. Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers.... Mary's was a late progression. There was hope, she was going to get better. Do you know Mary got beat up, molested and robbed in jail? Maybe you don't have any sorrow. I wouldn't expect you too.
I just wanted you to know that I have forgiven you for not stepping down from my sisters case when you should have. Because of your close relationship with her in-laws, there was serious conflict of interest. You treated Mary as if she was a hardened repeat offender... She didn't have a chance with you as her judge. No Mercy. So so sad. Well,we know who the real judge is. She is with him now! I pray for you and hope you learn the difference between someone who is sick and someone who is bad.
I don't blame you for Mary's death, but I do acknowledge the wrongful sentence you chose for a sweet soul that needed help, not shackles. She made a couple bad choices but you broke her. She's at peace now and I guess I have you to thank for that.
You can be angry for my words or you can put it behind you and make a difference in everything you do from this day forward. May God be with you in your work and home. I believe you get back what you put out there.A Loving Sister,
"We're having left over chili, but it doesn't have ANY beans. What the heck are
people thinking of making a chili without beans! It's not chili without
beans!"I nearly fell out of my seat laughing. Only because just the week before Chad & I were grocery shopping picking out some chili to make with macaroni noodles (mine & Mary's way - we loooooved Chili mac), and Chad picked out some chili with-out beans. I had the same emotional reaction Kelsey had. Pure passion about the fact that:
"It's not chili if it has no beans!"
I told him so! Almost word for word what Kelsey said to me. So many lil things like that bring me closer to my sweet lil neice. She is a lil replica of Mary & has alot of my personality too. I cried sweet tears when I hung up the phone and swore I would never forget that moment that bonded me to my neice so many miles away.
Who says wishes don't come true?
Thank you Mary wherever you are!!
Lil sis Lisa, Momma Sara & Big sis Jeni
We wish for more Mary, but grateful for the memories...
We wish for a different outcome, but will wait for the treasure in the end...
We wish for the broken hearts to mend, but will have faith your memories will help them mend...
We wish we were all closer in geography, but know our love makes our hearts beat as one...
We wish this life was fair, but know we can make it no matter what, as long as we have each other...
We wish to all be together, but our paths are where they are...
We wish we could see your beautiful smile and feel your cheers, but trust you'll always be near...
We miss you Mary...
I thought of you today, tear by tear. A little pond I made and a mascara smear. It hit me unexpectedly ~ I felt you near!
We love you forever Mary!!!!
"I need to find a good meeting in the city"
"I need to find a good meeting in the city".
I have!
No matter what mood I was in, my heart just melted every time I talked to you. I would just smile to myself on the other end of the phone and get lost in the world we were in for those moments of time dedicated to each other.I wish we had more time Mary. I look for you everywhere. I know you can feel my thoughts and you try to comfort me with your spirit. You do, you do. Thank God for my memories of you, they keep it real. Otherwise I would just think our past life was just a dream.
he came to a crossroads and a sign that said "Dos Cardinals Ranch"....he couldn't believe his eyes. WHAT A SIGN! He didn't have a camera to snap a picture. Not even his phone. He had to make a decision on which way to go. He felt guided by Mary. Within minutes he came to a small town of 2 and asked if they had a phone he could use. The kind lady kept asking if he had AT&T. Not sure why that was, but he made the call to his friend and got home safely. It looks like he has an angel and her name is Mary!
I pray that you may help me always be a Power of Example.
Never a Preacher or a Bearer of Burdens and
To remember that with You, through me, these things are possible.
Remember this picture? Lisa's wedding...Brett was so cute ~ such a flirt that night. He danced with every girl he could. We were blessed with his fun flighty spirit. I remember just laughing and having so much fun watching him!
You are still with us Mary. I love you so much!
The other reason I like this picture is because of how it captured each of us.Lisa, standing strong and tall, just like who she has always been. Beautiful and strong in her faith. You, sitting there so comfortably in the splits bursting with pride and an energy that is and was so contagious. I see it! Then me, just standing there as the power of example, but yet looking down as a big sister does, caring for you, just as you needed.
You are still with us sis and we have the memories to live on. We are your fan club and I am proud to be the President of it :)... hehe!
I know this is an old picture, but I really like it... you & Brian were so young and so happy! Kelsey was just a baby!
What do say in a few years about the years 2000 - 2009? Do we say "back in the 00's"?
The cardinal is the state bird there in Illinois so they see them all the time, but they don't usually stand there just hopping about - as if trying to be seen. THAT IS A SIGN! Thank you Mary!Then, as I was sitting on the train to go home tonight, I dug into my purse to try to read a book I've had trouble starting. "A new Eath" by Eckart Tolle. I opted to open it to the back of the book where the pages were white, unlike the rest of the book. Page 223, "The discovery of Inner Space". I started reading about a King who was prone to Happiness, but the the slightest thing, change to despair. he seeked help from a wise man who gave him a Jade ring and told him to rub the ring when he started to feel despair and say "THIS TOO SHALL PASS".
I truly feel as if my dad just came through to me by passage!I was feeling a bit of despair and concious of it as I left work. I had just gotten news of yet another project needing to be made (and I haven't gotten a handle on the current ones), so I felt a little frustration and despair. As if I'll never be ahead of the game.